The Heretic Review is currently accepting article submissions. We’re fielding both fact-based and opinionated content with a preference for powerful, unique voices, capable of encouraging intellectual discourse.

Types of Content We Produce

All of our work is centered around concepts that are heretical, blasphemous, dark, or countercultural. Read below to find out more about what that means.


Heretics are freethinkers whose ideas contradict a set of religious beliefs. We extend that definition to include concepts that go against toxic institutions and false philosophies. We oppose the establishment, extremism, fascism, conservative politics, corporate propaganda, and anything else designed to control and mislead others. Some examples of heretical content include political fact-checking, articles about evolution, and articles that dispel myths about scripture.


Blasphemy is a direct attack targeting false philosophies and toxic institutions. This can include church scandals, political scandals, antitheism, or cult exposés. There’s a wide range of topics that could fall under this umbrella, all wildly intriguing.


Darkness is self-explanatory. It can be evil, psychological, strange, or thrilling. It doesn’t have to be political or religious. We love true crime, serial killers, horror films, and creepy science fiction. We’re all for entertainment, especially TV and film, and our restrictions are loose when it comes to the types of franchises we’ll accept. We’re also huge fans of dark periods in history, taboo subjects, and commentary on human nature.


Counterculture is anything that goes against the herd. It can be weird, repulsive, or simply uncommon. We like alternative spirituality, alternative lifestyles, and the occult–anything that would cause the average Joe to raise an eyebrow. Our goal is to showcase these things, not align ourselves with them. If your content contradicts something you read in The Heretic Review, don’t be afraid to submit it anyway. This is especially the case with alternative spirituality and strange ideas.

General Submission Guidelines

Submitted articles must be original and exclusive to The Heretic Review. We do not accept simultaneous submissions or reprints. This includes anything that has been posted online in any format.

Do not send partial submissions, rough drafts, pitches, proposals, or outlines. To be considered for publication, your article must be complete and well-polished. Our time is valuable and needed to foster the growth of our network. Minor errors are understandable; expectations of edit overhauls and rewrites are not.

NO AI-Generated content.

We are looking for human-generated art, not mindless rants written by soulless bots.

No plagiarism of any kind.

Cite sources appropriately and include links to reputable sites throughout your work.

We do not accept anonymous content.

In addition, please do not submit anything which constitutes a conflict of interest, be it financial, personal, or otherwise. 

In lieu of payment, we provide new, emerging, and established writers a spot on our growing platform. This is an opportunity to build and/or increase your reader base as much as it is a vehicle to express your views and be heard.

Ongoing submission window. No deadlines.

Word Count: 1000-5000

We encourage authors to break up long blocks of text using relevant images, social media posts, and YouTube videos.

Send submissions via email to

  • In your submission email, include your document using an editable link to Google Docs or an attachment in Microsoft Word format.
  • The subject line should include the name, title, and topic of the piece.
  • The body of the email should include a short author bio (300 words max) and a brief cover letter with a summary of your submission piece.

We will not accept hate speech, sexually explicit content, graphic violence, themes of pedophilia, or child or animal abuse.

Please Note

If your submission is approved for publication, exclusivity is assumed and all rights are maintained by The Heretic Review going forward.

Thank you for your interest in writing for us!
